Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Evidence: Global Warming is a Hoax

Senate Stooges Boxer and Kerry have unveiled the latest strategy to get the ill-conceived cap and trade bill passed, despite the fact that Obama's Treasury department has concluded that it will cost American households more than $1700 a year! (That's the equivalent of an annual 15% increase in the federal income tax!) So, what's their grand scheme? Change it's name: Instead of calling the legislation "Cap and Trade", they've decided to start calling it "Pollution Reduction and Investment", or PRI. So, we'll just dress it in some new clothes to cover up the smell.

New clothes indeed, considering that Steve McIntyre over at Climate Audit presented a recent report which effectively puts to death the famed "hockey stick" graph that is a perennial bad penny that keeps popping up in any climate change discussion. AJ Strata, in his analysis of the findings, is pretty direct in his conclusions:

The real professionals ... have discovered that the source of all the recent global warming is not CO2, but bad data used in climate models which forces the models to show recent warming – where OTHER DATA shows there is no recent warming.

Let me repeat this. The statistical models used by the High Priests of Global Warming are using a newly identified and specific data set which wrongly produces decades of warming where none exists in the raw temperature data 0r other data sets.


I will let the authors be more reserved, but I find the results damning. To summarize, the infamous Hockey Stick (HS) warming trend that supposedly shows man made CO2 forcing the Earth’s temperature higher is in fact an artifact of one set of bad data.

These guys are going to have to do more than just give the policy a new name to sell us on it. To paraphrase Shakespeare: "A pile of horse manure by any other name is still just as smelly." It'll take more than just a new name to make this bad policy come up roses.

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